How winning the Paralegal of the Year award could give you a career boost

As the UK’s leading legal jobs board advertising more than 1,500 Paralegal jobs per month, TotallyLegal is perfectly positioned as the sponsor of the Paralegal of the Year award at the 2020 National Paralegal Awards.

In this article we explore how being named Paralegal of the Year could give your career a boost and help you to secure a training contract, promotion or new job.

Gaining recognition

Winning the Paralegal of the Year award is your chance to gain some well-deserved recognition for your efforts, achievements and contributions to the Paralegal community.

In addition to acknowledgement from your managers and others with the power to offer you promotion, you will be recognised as a successful individual by other potential employers, ultimately leading to a greater number of future career opportunities.

Increasing your morale

Winning any award can be the kind of affirmation required to rejuvenate your career, and the Paralegal of the Year award is no different. The winner of this award will be able to take a step back and ask, “how can I do even better?”, leading to greater morale and higher levels of productivity which will in turn generate career development opportunities.

Standing out from the crowd

In the hyper-competitive professional world of law, jobs, promotions and training contracts are tough to secure even for the most talented Paralegals. A strong CV and good academic record, while essential, will only get you part of the way.

To increase your chances of success, you need to be able to demonstrate a unique selling point. What better way is there to stand out from the crowd than being able to say that you are an award-winning Paralegal?

Whatever kind of career progression you are currently aiming for, having this accolade to discuss on your CV and at interviews is likely to increase your chances of success because it proves that you are crafting a successful career in a highly competitive field.

Reflecting on your career

Even for those who do not win at the 2020 National Paralegal Awards, there is still plenty of scope for professional development. The nomination process provides a unique opportunity to reflect on your career thus far and the awards ceremony itself offers an excellent environment for networking, while hearing about the achievements of other Paralegals can help you to identify your own skill gaps.

So what are you waiting for? Take the next step to boosting your career by checking out the categories you are eligible to enter in the awards and request your entry pack.